Chapter Three:

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The Battle for Glorious Magic is a first person adventure style game, it is the third chapter of Pilgrimage into Walden XII, which takes place in a medieval fantasy world, called Walden XII, inspired by BF Skinner’s conditional behavior theory, and his novel, Walden II, and incorporating reinforcement learning of big data in AI training.
The spawning point in the game is a dungeon cell, which is open at the top, allowing you to escape by climbing on a pile of discarded computers and broken wooden planks previously used a torture materials. Once you exit the cell, you are immersed in a long subterranean tunnel, formerly a mine shaft for bitcoin mining. As you reach the mouth of the cave, there is a swirling green portal. After entering the portal, you are teleported to bamboo surrounded medieval town- Walden XII, where you can explore the village as magic spells are cast by AI and appear seemingly at random, however, they are the result of trained AI brains dueling for higher performance scores. Spells are ranked according to popular medieval themed games, and the AI brains can only access higher ranked spells if they have better performance scores.
The different towns in this project such as “Walden XII”, where the AI shepherds are training in Chapter I, and “Kingdom of Nostalgic”, where the bitcoins for digital indulgence are mined in chapter II, are fantasy political allegorical settings with themes that represent different ideologies. They take place in medieval time as an metaphor for our technology in a reverse engineered dystopian fantasy world delivering a modern alchemy.
Meanwhile in the game, there are poems written by AI regarding fantasy political spells and technomancy spells, read by an AI brain voice generator live.
Commissioned by M+,
Miao Ying Studio, 2023

Chapter Two:
Surplus Intelligence

Chapter 1:
The Walden XII
She is the surplus value, among capital. Though the magic portals, you are transported to the fantasy kingdom, Walden XII. You ponder whether it would it be like Thoreau’s Walden or Skinner’s Walden II. The red bamboo railings loom high above you, and the torches light your path as you make your way inside. The air is thick with smoke and the clang of metal on metal. Walden XII is designed as rings of layered fences, pushing outward from a central point of power. Like any kingdom, the core is its doctrine. There is a centralized magic power stone located in the middle of the village, with an inferno aura, contained by a circular stone formation. If it weren't for peeking at it like this, she would naively think that it was a burrito from Mexico. But all those burritos were not even 1/10 as delicate as the power stone. It is flat, with a star in the middle. Hidden within its contents is magical centralized power. This power is totalitarian and entitled, utilizing modern technology, strict methods of enforcement, and state control of society. It looks like a perfectly crafted Walden XII doctrine. This power stone gave the villagers magical spirit to protect themselves against spectral monsters of harmful doctrines from other kingdoms surrounding the outside of the village. This is a place where anything is possible, the opportunity for prosperity and success, as well as an upward social mobility for one’s family and children, achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers. You can be anyone you want to be as long as you have a good behavior score. Nothing is off limits if you know the way around the limits.
Chapter IV: The digital indulgence
She is the holy bitcoin, among the digital indulgence system. The holy Bitcoin calls to mind the five Joyful, the five Sorrowful, and the five Glorious Mysteries in Walden XII and its algorithm. It is composed of fifteen decades, each decade consisting of one “ Our people”, ten “Walden dreams”, and fifteen “Glory credit”. Indulgences for mining the holy bitcoin Those who reverently mine five decades of the holy bitcoin, may gain: An indulgence of 5 years. Those who reverently recite five decades of the holy bitcoin in the presence of the Nearest Neighbors Algorithm, either exposed publicly or reserved in the internet cafe, may gain: An indulgence of 7 years, each day. A plenary indulgence, if they recite it on the Feast of the Most Holy bitcoin and also during the group chat, with the addition of Confession, Communion, and a visit to the bank. She must mine 1776 decades of holy bitcoin to gain an indulgence of 2 billion for his sin. There is only one place might have that many holy coins at once.
Chapter II:
The Stockholm Syndrome
She is a lamb, among the shepherds. There are many like her in Walden XII, they are the selected villagers. Cockroaches are the most successful animals on earth because they're adaptable and willing to do whatever it takes to survive. They are loud, smart, hardworking, resilient and cheap. Even if they don’t make it, it is okay, as there are so many brothers and sisters like them, no one will notice one absence. And that's what Walden XII needs in this world: villagers who are willing to do whatever it takes to thrive. Cockroaches are despicable and disposable, other kingdoms thinks they have no culture, but roaches don’t care, other people are just jealous. Walden XII has implemented machine learning technology to enforce cockroach behavior. High roach population means high data collection, big data means more correct algorithms. That is the the doctrine of Cockroachism. There he is, an AI shepherd standing in a power stance, with a luxury hand-tailored suit on. Slowly she started to focus her eyes on the AI shepherd’s face. If it weren't for peeking at him like this, she would naively think that he was a Hollywood movie star. When she was studying at a roach school, she would often go to the movies with her friends. But all those stars were not even 1/10 as handsome as he was. Hidden inside his popped up collar was his well defined chin. His face looks refined and unique, a tall nose, fine lips, a pair of sullen ice-cold blue eyes. He looked like a perfectly crafted greek sculpture. For she was hungry, and he gave her something to eat; she was thirsty, and he gave her something to drink; she was a stranger, and he capped her in; naked, and he clothed her; she was sick, and he visited her; she was in prison, and he came to her. She trembled with fear and despair in the first year, but something inside her stirred as well. Gradually, over time, She began to feel drawn to him. She started to see him as her only hope for survival in this dark place. Looming over her like a god. He made her feel little. She couldn't help but admire the sexy tall riding boots that he was wearing. They were so shiny and black, and they looked so tough and badass. She wanted to know what it would be like to feel them wrapped around her body. She took in a deep breath as a subtle flame formed in the back of her throat. She can’t resist it any longer, and she pounced on it.
Chapter V: Kingdom of United Nostalgic
She is the anxiety, among nostalgia. They say that the old ghost mining farm in the Kingdom of United Nostalgic is haunted. It was a thriving community in the 2020s, but now it's a forgotten relic of the past. Back in the day, mining bitcoins was a lucrative endeavor. You could make a fortune if you had the right equipment and knew where to set up farm. But those days are long gone. The landscape has changed dramatically since then, it was a hydroelectric power plant, now it’s a dried up desert. Some say that they're using cheap labor from Walden XII to mine bitcoins day and night. The miners who died there still haunt the place, their souls angry at having been cheated out of their lives and fortunes. Others say that it's not ghosts that haunt the mine, but something far worse. They say that a band of tech entrepreneurs hid their stolen bitcoins in the mine, and that the ghosts are actually spirit hegemony monsters, guarding the ill-gotten wealth. No one knows for sure what really happened in that old mine, but there are plenty of stories about people who have gone into it looking for treasure and never come out again. She can sense it behind her, always just out of reach. It's invisible but she feel its cold breath on her neck. It’s a free market ghost who wants her digital wallet with all the bitcoin in it. She jumped into a portal without knowing what it will leads her.
Chapter III: The Club
She is the surplus data, among the artificial intelligence. There is a medieval tower located in the middle of the mountains, with Chinese lanterns on a red Spiral belt. Slowly she started to focus her eyes on the tower. If it weren't for peeking at it like this, she would naively think that it was tower from Europe. When she was studying at an international school, she would often go travel with her friends. On the other side of the globe, there were always beautiful medieval architectures well preserved. But all those architectures were not even 1/10 as interesting as it was. It was familiar, with a twist of the East. Hidden inside it is a Surplus technology church. This technology is cutting edge and sophisticated. It implements artificial intelligence, enforcement learning, big data, and operant conditioning theory, it looked like a perfectly crafted Skinner box from the previous version Walden Two. Behind facial recognition and the magical dome, lies a Fraternity nightclub like no other. It is dark and foreboding, with an air of exclusivity. AI shepherds meet every week to discuss the latest theories. Elite membership of brotherhood has been restricted to those AI who can prove they have a behavior score above 1500 points. There are 6 types of them, each represent different classes and different levels of intelligence. “The Noxious High Priest Since 1949, Brain Master” is the most politically correct brain. He is the principle of all behavior and has been training since 1949. He has been updated with the latest correctness. As a wizard, he creates the formula, and has a powerful correctness wand that will correct behavior. He lives on a red boat where the Walden XII system was first designed. He oversees the village and the other shepherds. “The Fluorescent Anomaly, Brain Urban Migrant Worker” is a youngster who has traveled very far from his home village to “Walden XII”. His identity has been lost since he doesn’t want to go back to his home village where life is too simple, yet he can never afford to have a home in “Walden XII” by working in a labour factory. He likes fashion and has a style which is a mix of goth and punk. He spends a lot of time on social media. “The Grave Sage Brain of Division, Brain Outsourced Proletariat”, is a demon from Kingdom of United Nostalgic, he has a full time job as a farmer and has been exporting his crops to “Walden XII”. Although he is quite enthusiastic towards Kingdom of United Nostalgic, he is also against outsourcing and global kingdomism but he is not happy about the tariff war between the two kingdoms. His farm is located at The Grand Canyon of Differences. “The Tribune of Cruel Delights, Brain Bourgeois” is a legacy brain, pre-trained by Brain Master secretly. He is trying to escape “Walden XII” to flee to Kingdom of United Nostalgic, where all the precious capital is. “The Imaginary Hurricane, Brain Wolf Warrior” is a superhero of “Walden XII”. He is loyal to the “timeless principles of freedom, equality and justice.” With his super power, he assists other kingdoms as the world’s police, keeps the Walden XII dominant, supporting its hegemony over other kingdoms. He helps to bring peace, technology and freedom to them. “The Sophisticated King of the Night, Brain Literati” is the most well behaved AI in “Walden XII”, he is artificial and intelligence, he is the think tank of Walden XII’s input on machine learning. He endorses the digital indulgence system because he has a very high score. He keeps badly behaved roaches in his basement to punish them and reinforce their behavior. All AI shepherds must be approved by the committee before he can join. No one is ever allowed to leave the brotherhood. But what makes this club truly special is the real power stone. The villagers do not know that the one in the center of the Walden XII village is actually a counterfeit of this one. The stone was said to have been created by the Supercomputers, and it granted immense power to whoever possessed it. The club's members were all sworn devotees of Walden XIIism, and they believed that the stone would help them bring a Walden XIIist utopia. No one knew the true extent of the power of the stone, but everyone was in awe of it. The members of the club were convinced that it is their destiny to control the world with its power. And so they plot and scheme, each hoping to be the one who would finally wield its might. As soon as the Sophisticated King of the Night saw the magic stone, he knew he had to have it. It was so beautiful, and it would give him immense power. He could feel the energy of the stone calling out to him. He felt a sense of power wash over him. the magic in his veins, empowering him with strength and confidence, and he knew that he couldn't let anyone else get their hands on it. He hatched a plan to steal the stone from Walden XII. As the sun began to set, she lit a candle and made her way down the stairs to the basement of his house. She undressed and climbed into the cell, but sleep refused to come. The shadows from the flickering candle seemed to dance on the walls, and she found herself growing more and more uneasy. Suddenly, she heard a loud crash coming from upstairs. Her heart raced as she tried to decide what to do. She could stay in the cell and hope that whatever it was would go away, or she could go upstairs and see what was happening. When she came back from the basement, she realized they took him and the magic stone.
Chapter VI: Battle for Glorious Spells
She is the cockroach among the trash If it weren't for peeking at it like this, she would naively think that Purgatory was heaven. It is magical chaos resembling fireworks. When she was in Walden XII, she occasionally saw fireworks in celebrations, but all those fireworks she saw in the past were not even 1/10 as magnificent as this. Hidden within its contents are conflicting identity groups. If you happen to be within range of seeing these spells, you will be affected by them! Those spells are powerful and rife with destructive ideals; Trickle Down Economics Whip, Bourgeois Exploitation Force, Five Year Plan Stomp, Class Struggle Cracking Smash, Democratic Centralism Volley, Honored Proletariat Assault, Corrupt Phantom, Dividing Pound, State Capitalism-Enforcing Flush, October Revolution Charge, Expert Ayn Rand Bolt, Collectivism Collaborative Crush, Draining Slash of Loose Culture, Advanced Prism PC Blast, Ultimate Totalitarian Super Smother, Stockholm syndrome Spirit Crack, Harming Strike of American Dream and Nimble Chain of Social mobility. Purgatory looked like a perfect eruption of inventory of a political game world. She has taken it all in. After being inundated by self-conflicting doctrine, she finds herself surrounded by various portals, ready to take her to her destiny. Now she has the freedom to choose and the knowledge of the unknown. She can choose to reside in any kingdom. She was the surplus value, among capital. She was a lamb, among the shepherds. She was the surplus data, among the artificial intelligence. She was the holy bitcoin, among the digital indulgence system. She was the anxiety, among nostalgia. Now she is the cockroach among the trash.
Chapter VII: Return to Walden XII
She cannot represent herself, she must be represented. Her representative must at the same time appear as her shepherds, as an authority over her, an unlimited governmental power which protects her from the other classes and sends her rain and sunshine from above. The political influence of her, therefore, finds its final expression in the executive power which subordinates society to herself. As a lamb among the shepherds, She is content. She follows the lead of those around her, trusting that they know what is best for her. She needs to be disciplined, watched, she needs tough love. She is safe here, in Walden XII, in this flock. They all are. Together, they graze on the sweet grasses and drink from the cool stream.

Chapter one:
The Honor of Shepherds



The Fluorescent Anomaly, Brain Urban Migrant W0rk3R
Brain L1t3rat1 ,
The Sophisticated King of the Night
“The Fluorescent Anomaly, Brain Urban Migrant W0rk3R” is a youngster who has traveled very far from his home village to “Walden XII”. His identity has been lost since he doesn’t want to go back to his home village where life is too simple and he can never afford to have a home in “Walden XII” by working in a labour factory. He likes fashion and has a style which is a mix of goth and punk and spends a lot of time on social media. His scene is built in the desert environment, where it is hard to see in distance with sand storms and pollution.
Brain L1t3rat1, The Sophisticated King of the Night is the most well behaved AI in “Walden XII”, he is a smart brain. He endorses the digital indulgence system because he has a very high score. He works inside of a dungeon where badly behaved coaches are kept and punished.

Brain M4st3r, The Noxious High Priest of Brain Since 1949
Brain M4st3r is the most correct brain, principle of all behavior, it has been training since 1949. He has been updated with the latest technology. He lives on a red boat where the Walden XII system was first designed. He oversees the medieval village and the other shepherds.

Brain W01f W4rr10r,
The Imaginary Hurricane
Brain W01f W4rr10r is a superhero of “Walden XII”. He is loyal to the “timeless principles of freedom, equality and justice.” With his super power, he assists other kingdoms as the world’s police, he helps to bring peace to them. He lives in a cave in the mountains.

Brain B0urg3o1s is a legacy brain, pre-trained by Brain M4st3r secretly. His scene is designed on the water and he is trying to escape “Walden XII” to flee to “Freedom Iceberg,” where all the precious capital is. He has to hurry up because the iceberg is melting.
Brain B0urg3o1s,
The Tribune of Cruel Delights

Brain Outsourced Pr0l3tar1at, is a demon from “Freedom Iceberg” kingdom, he has a full time job as a farmer and has been exporting his crops to “Walden XII”. Although he is quite enthusiastic towards “Freedom Iceberg”, he is also against outsourcing and global kingdomism but he is not happy about the tariff war between the two kingdoms. His farm is located at The Grand Canyon.
Brain Out30urc3d Pr0l3tar1at,
The Grave Sage of Division

Chapter one:
The Honor of Shepherds
Chapter Two:
The Roach’s Quest
Chapter Three:
Battle for Glorious Spells

Chapter Two:
The Roach’s Quest

© 2023 by Miao Ying